relationships are significant...really

Well, something really surprising happened on the MSN few days ago. I went online, which is a daily routine I do everyday and when the "sign on" was completed, the MSN delivered me this message notifying me that my e-mail address was added on to this unknown person's contact list. I had no clue whatsoever who the person was and since the internet is full of junkies and all sorts of "not-so-friendly" individuals, my suspicion went into effect first, which made me choose to ignore that person temporarily. Besides I've had experienced "spam messages" sent to me via MSN in the past and I didn't want to take any chance.
When I went online the day after this occurance, the program notified me that I received two messages in my Hotmail account. As many of you may probably know, Hotmail is SPAM HAVEN...I receive about 10 unwanted junk mails a day on average. Most of them are filtered out, putting them into the junk mail folder, but some mails are ingenious enough to go through the filter, bringing them into my inbox.
I clicked the mail button on the MSN Messenger, which popped up the e-mail website for hotmail. There were 2 unread messages shown on the top of the list. One of them as I suspected, was a junk mail which went directly into the trash without being read. The other one...I saw a familiar name on the sender column. "She" was my classmate from my elementary school in the States. This really jolted me, because, yes we did know each other in school, but we were nothing really more than just a classmate.
It turned out that the person who added my name was her. Thank God it wasn't like the worst thing you could imagine lol. On the e-mail, she said that she found out my e-mail address from my friend and wanted to know how I was doing in Japan. It's been 5 years since I came back to Japan and suddenly an e-mail arrives from a girl, who I really did not have any close relationship with, except for being in same classes during the 1st, 3rd, 5th grades and in the Gifted and Talented class. How surprising is that!? But I think it's wonderful being able to keep contact with people, living on the other side of the planet. What's more, I recollected those days when my friend who told her my e-mail address had a crush on I wonder what is the current status of relationship between them...friends or something else? Hmm...
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