free web tracker soliloquies: let's make a prediction, shall we?


so・lil・o・quy/- n. [C,U] a speech in a play in which a character talks to himself or herself, so that the audience know the character's thoughts.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

let's make a prediction, shall we?

I have been studying mathmatics for the past 2 hours and I've been able to solve...let me see...yes, 14 problems. I wonder how long am I taking to solve a single "level B" differential problem? If I do the math correctly, the answer would be 120 minutes/14...actually, I wouldn't want to know. It would probably make me depair. :-( The pic I posted above with this post is the screensaver I am currently using for my PC. What do you think? lol

Well anyway, we have 9 more days left until the end-term exams. There probably are 2 opinions to this fact; "there's STILL 9 more days left" and "there's ONLY 9 more days left". Obviously, I am really on the ragged edge, meaning I prefer the latter opinion for myself. There are 13 subjects to this exam, which are Japanese, Politics-Economy, Japanese History a, Japanese History b, English Reading, English Writing, Oral English, Music, Math III a, Math III b, Ethics A, French AND Chemistry. I am pretty sure that all of the teachers in Keio SFC are murderers, trying to kill all of their students.

Luckily, I have been able to study in advance of everyone else..I think. Up to date, I have finished solving all of the chemistry problems and the most of the specified math problems. Also, I have completed all of the assignments that are due this week as well; website, mun chronicle, lyrics analysis, the notecards and yes, of course, the BLOOOOOOG. From these facts, I would like to predict that I will receive fantastic scores on all of those "student killing" subjects. I hope this prediction would realize, I mean it WILL!!!!! lol Better get back to work. See you around!


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