free web tracker soliloquies: untitled


so・lil・o・quy/- n. [C,U] a speech in a play in which a character talks to himself or herself, so that the audience know the character's thoughts.

Saturday, January 08, 2005


I feel so powerless and helpless...disconsolate may be the perfect word. It's not like I have a clear solution to it and I am able to upturn the situation once I know everything, but I can't stand the current state I am in, where only thing I can do is to watch, unable to help or assist and impotent. I just want to make things better, if not, at least feel a little bit more comfortable. I feel as though everything I do is going around in circles, going nowhere. Wait a minute. Is it better off if I just mind my own business? I'm totally stumped.

I appologize for this apparently meaningless blabber...I needed a place to diffuse.

One last thing. According to a reliable source, applicants for each of the faculities have revealed.

Both of the Faculty of Law departments - a little over 30
Faculty of Economy, Commerce, Literature - no problem
SFC Faculties - less than expected

Thanx! lol


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