free web tracker soliloquies: oops


so・lil・o・quy/- n. [C,U] a speech in a play in which a character talks to himself or herself, so that the audience know the character's thoughts.

Friday, January 28, 2005


I've missed my last French class today. Oops. Well, I did declare my absence last time anyway. I woke up at 1 in the afternoon today. Amazing, right? No, nothing naughty this time. I didn't feel like going, that's all. 2 tardys, but who cares? lol

My snowboarding trip is coming up! You may have heard of it already, but a big chunk of cold air is coming south this week, with temperature dropping around 5C from the average. Tokyo's highs are never going above 10C this week and its lows are going below 0C. After I've heard the news, I checked the forecast for the ski place we are going. The highs there are around 5 below zero, with its lows dropping as low as -15C. COOOOOOOOOOOLD. I'd better prepare myself, quick. lol


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