another thought
Let me just say I had been studying as hard as I can, preparing for my autumn semester finals the past few days which prevented me from updating this blog. Thanks to that effort, I believe I was able to write answers with substantial content and an adequate volume for the exams I took today. Yay! Today's subjects were political science, juridical history and jurisprudence. 3 done, 6 more to go.
Anyway, there's this thought (again) that's whirling inside my mind again. Wherever I go, there seems to be a "gap". My conjecture could be completely off, but I strongly feel a significant difference in attitude between others and I. This gap could be the result of superiority or inferiority I have. However, deep within my heart, there lies this will that is desperately wanting my friends to interact with my more casually.
Besides that, I would like to know the cause of this difference. This isn't my first time this has happened to me. In fact, this has difference was noticeable everywhere I've been in the past, at least in Japan.
Is it my background as a returnee? Is it my behavior? Is it the way I dress? Is it because of what I posses? Is it my appearance? I know how I'm earnest at bottom and my character could be the main cause of this distinction, but it's not my intention to be associated this way...with a "gap".
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