free web tracker soliloquies: well


so・lil・o・quy/- n. [C,U] a speech in a play in which a character talks to himself or herself, so that the audience know the character's thoughts.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Aside from my proclamation last night, I don't have anything to write about. I mean literally.

I didn't do much today. My mom had her friends over and with our living room occupied, I basically was locked up in my room. Adding to this, there was a terrible reality of me waking up at 4 in the afternoon. To be honest, I desperately wanted a day off from everything, so I was quite satisfied with the short string of events that happened today. With an adequate productivity, I was able to accomplish some goals I had set for my seminar assignments.

The cherry blossom trees are blooming more rapidly than I thought. Although I was planning on "hanami"-ing on the 2nd of April, that may end up being a normal picnic out in the Ueno Park. Oh well.


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