free web tracker soliloquies: once again, i'm back


so・lil・o・quy/- n. [C,U] a speech in a play in which a character talks to himself or herself, so that the audience know the character's thoughts.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

once again, i'm back

Please don't ask me why I only have "I'm back" posts on this blog. The reason is simple; my previous attempts failed to give me sufficient motivation to invest my precious time in blog posting. But things have changed since March. From a lot of reading and learning I had done through various ways, I now have this strong feeling that advising me the necessity to output what I have learned or felt during that day and this space probably best suits my need. In addition, this necessity would probably fulfill my motivation and would allow me to make an entry everyday here. So I'm back, once and for all. Ciao for now, see you tomorrow! Au demain!


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