free web tracker soliloquies: day 4 out of 4


so・lil・o・quy/- n. [C,U] a speech in a play in which a character talks to himself or herself, so that the audience know the character's thoughts.

Monday, October 11, 2004

day 4 out of 4

Today was somehow fulfilling. First, I had a haircut, walking to and back from the beauty salon, which used up most of the morning hours. There, I talked a lot about Hollywood movies and about how contradicting those movies are with the hairdresser guy. I came home at 11:30 am, had lunch, and left home again to head for Shonandai to meet the 6F Gang for some talks. We went here and there, searching for places to talk not only about the Culture Festival, but on various topics. I just came home! Yeah, today was the only nice day out of the sudden break we had off school.

Anyway, about sensation. I'm going to talk all about it tomorrow, perhaps.


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