the step test for testing english proficiency

I took "The Level 1 STEP Test for Testing English Proficiency" at Zushi Kaisei High School today. Yeah, the vocabularies were mumbo jumbos...but as I've heard from someone in advance, the number of vocab problems were reduced from 30 to 25 this year, lowering the ratio the vocab problems take out of the whole test.
Last time I took this test, which was in 2000, I failed it just by 7 points. I'm not sure if 7 points qualifies as "just", but I didn't have any environment to exercise my English skills then, other than NOVA English School that I went weekly to have conversations with the teachers there. From that fact, I think I did well then. This time, according to my self-check I did after I took the test, I got 14 out of the 25 vocabulary problems in the test. Listening, I assume I answered it perfectly, reading comprehension, yet to be determined, and writing composition, I have no idea.
Last time I took this test, which was in 2000, I failed it just by 7 points. I'm not sure if 7 points qualifies as "just", but I didn't have any environment to exercise my English skills then, other than NOVA English School that I went weekly to have conversations with the teachers there. From that fact, I think I did well then. This time, according to my self-check I did after I took the test, I got 14 out of the 25 vocabulary problems in the test. Listening, I assume I answered it perfectly, reading comprehension, yet to be determined, and writing composition, I have no idea.
If I pass the preliminary part, the secondary part would be a piece of cake...I hope. The results are due on November 8th. I passed...I hope. lol

After I finished my test, I went to this supermarket in Kamakura to go get myself some thirst quenchers...which are the following; 2 cans of Coca-Cola Classic, 2 cans of Cherry Coke, a can of Root Beer, a can of Dr. Pepper, 2 cans of Diet Dr. Pepper, and a can of Diet Ginger Ale, all imported from USA. They are tastier in my opinion, and they're cheaper too! I bought 9 cans in total, and it only costed me 847 yen. I'm going to enjoy them one at a time starting today. Yay! lol

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