April 1st marks the beginning of academic year and fiscal year for most corporations in Japan. It is the season of cherry blossoms and nice, warm sunshine that greets all of those who is headed for a new chapter of his/her life. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for me. It was rainy and cherry blossoms were blooming only halfway.
For me, today was also the day I joined my firm. Unlike Japanese corporations that prepare a huge ceremony for 100s of new grads they welcome, my first day at work was quite technical. The CEO spoke to us for half an hour, which is really a first day like event, but other than that, a lot of personnel just came and went, explaining this and that about the firm.
That continued on until 5 in the evening and from there on, I went around my floor, introducing myself to all of the people I am going to learn a lot of from. A lot of restructuring took place after my last part time job at my firm, but fortunately, my mentor (i.e. senior salesperson) was REALLY nice and he took the initiative to showing me and introducing me to everyone.
I am really sure that my expectations are REALLY high in this wacked up environment, but my new workplace made me motivated and gave me a really nice first impression. Things will definitely not go the way I want things to go, completely, but I'm off to a great start!
Good luck me...