free web tracker soliloquies: 01/23/2005 - 01/30/2005


so・lil・o・quy/- n. [C,U] a speech in a play in which a character talks to himself or herself, so that the audience know the character's thoughts.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

human after all

The content of my work is becoming closer to what I've originally imagined, as the completion approaches. It used to be more of an outdoor work before, but today, I stayed indoors, moving from room to room, cleaning by wiping things with a cloth, dipped in detergent. Rooms I worked in were cold, since heating weren't installed yet, but the conditions were way better than the first day.

I was amused to find out that there's a Japanese style room in all of the lots, at least in the condominium I work in. I've believed that everyone, especially young people, prefer a Western style room over Japanese style room. Most of the lots have a 3LDK plan, but one of the three rooms is always a Japanese style room with tatamis. Weird.

Friday, January 28, 2005


I've missed my last French class today. Oops. Well, I did declare my absence last time anyway. I woke up at 1 in the afternoon today. Amazing, right? No, nothing naughty this time. I didn't feel like going, that's all. 2 tardys, but who cares? lol

My snowboarding trip is coming up! You may have heard of it already, but a big chunk of cold air is coming south this week, with temperature dropping around 5C from the average. Tokyo's highs are never going above 10C this week and its lows are going below 0C. After I've heard the news, I checked the forecast for the ski place we are going. The highs there are around 5 below zero, with its lows dropping as low as -15C. COOOOOOOOOOOLD. I'd better prepare myself, quick. lol

Thursday, January 27, 2005


The possibility that came up in my mind last week realized after all!

I was really happy today, thanks to my friends' surprise birthday party. I wonder why, but an idea of a surprise birthday party did come up in my mind around last week, though this idea went through and out of my head without much consideration, since as I've written few days ago, I didn't want this expectation to be my imagination again, which is something I've experienced number of times during past few months, with bad disappointment as a result.

The call on Monday turned out to be a "trap" to bring me to the party. Along with 6 others that came to celebrate me, I enjoyed having a nice meal with everyone, chatting. After lunch, we went bowling. Luckily, birthday person was given discount from the play fee and free shoes rental. My party was also given free shoes rental too. I did terrible scorewise, but so what? We all had fun, watching everyone play with his/her own, "personal" styles. lol

We moved on to table tennis after bowling 2 games. We made a pair of guy/girl and played against each pair. I did better here! lol Then, we all walked back to the station, went into Tully's Coffee and chatted about a lot of stuff for 2 hours there, on a cup of coffee. We dismissed at 18:30 at the station.

I don't really know who actually came up with the idea, but whoever it is, I'm really thankful for a wonderful day I was able to spend today! Thank you, everyone! Thanks A LOT! :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


I was asked to answer some questions for a survey along with few others today from this guy in university, who was also my friend's senior. I arrived at school a bit early for it, then went to this classroom in university campus for an interview.

The survey was done in cooporation with Sony, with "music" as its theme with questions like "How often do you listen to music", or "How important is music to you", or "How long do you listen to them in a day", and so on. I answered all of the questions with my utmost effort. Some of the my friends' answers were really funny. It's not like she was fooling around or anything, but her answers were really pure and straightforward. lol All 4 of us who were there each had a different value on music, which was an interesting fact to find out, since I've always thought that teens are always interested in music, especially here in Japan.

The main conductor of this survey, who is a senior of the university was really cool! He told us that he went to an American high school in Allendale, NJ, which is really near the place I lived in the States, considering the fact that U.S. is a huge country.

A new goal, sort of. lol

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

workin' hard

Today, I worked for my second time at this place I've been working since Sunday. Believe it or not, I work at a condo construction site as an assistant. I clean the rooms up most of the times, which I thought was a suitable job for me, since I can't leave messes alone. I'm not a puritan, but I...can't. lol

Anyway, the job itself is really simple and boring, but the wages are high. I get paid 8000 yen per day, working 7 hours. That's about 1100 yen per hour. Great, huh? I also have this goal I would like to achieve. I may have written about it before, but I want to earn $1000 to spend in the States. Currently, I've earned 16000 yen, which is equivalent to $150. 10 more times should make my goal a reality. Keep it up, me! lol

Monday, January 24, 2005

news ticker

I believe it was last week, but I saw this news ticker onboard Yokohama Municipal Subway, which caught my attention while I was heading for school. The ticker showed a result from a survey this company conducted on "bunkei" university juniors and "rikei" postgraduates. I don't know how to translate "bunkei" and "rikei" into English, but "rikei" are the type of students who study mathmatical, scientifical sort of stuff and "bunkei" are all the other students.

Anyway, the survey was on this year's corpolate employment popularity ranking. I assume this result should have some significance on me and everyone else of my generation. On the ticker, it said that

"Matsushita Denki Sangyo(Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.) gained top position for the first time among "rikei" boys. Mitsubishi Shoji(Mitsubishi Corp.) kept its top position 3 years straight."

My father works at Matsushita Electric Industial Co. Ltd., so this news flashed me. My family is always aware of news related to my father's company. Anyway, after I saw this ticker, I told my father about the news. At that point, from further research, I knew that Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. gained 5th for "bunkei" boys too. Even though this should be a good news to hear, my father's reactions were quite cool. He said

"Students are choosing companies they want to be employed, just from salaries and/or achievement and aren't aware of the efforts necessary to generate the numbers, that creates an accomplishing company."

These words stroke me. I, as a student, had a same kind of idea my father criticized in his comment. This is reality. When I become a university junior (hopefully) in 3 years, I wish I could be able to choose a company of my choice from a broader perspective, keeping his words in my mind.

Sunday, January 23, 2005


Lack of expectation creates a state of mind, which we often call "negative thinking". "Negative thinking", as its adjective may suggest, is considered an unfavorable stage. The opposite, "positive thinking" is normally considered favorable, but excessive expectations are hostile. You can expect someone or somthing to do something you feel favorable, but in reality, it rarely realizes.

I, as a positive thinking person, this feeling of betrayal really is disturbing. The truth is, as much as this betrayal staggers to, an unexpected happinesses are as much as strong in strength, only in different direction. Today, a event really made my happy. A call from my friend...although I did imagine some possible, I never expected anything. But it happened. Thank you!